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March 2025

5. March

Hosek Contemporary, 20 hs.

Vocal Trio with Lorena Izquierdo Aparicio and Elisabetta Lanfredini



January 2025​

27. January

Radialsystem in the Frame of the CTM

19 hs.

Liederbuch der Apokalypse

»Liederbuch der Apokalypsen« is an A/V premiere by Agustín Genoud blending choral performance, live electronics, and video art into apocalyptic themes from a post-human perspective. Envisioning a cosmic revelation where an otherworldly entity delivers a vision of the world's end, the performers embody a range of voices through extended vocal techniques and experimental vocal processing—from human to animal to machine. Regrouping an exceptional cast of experimental vocalists Audrey Chen, Anna Clementi, Alessandra Eramo, Nina Guo, Christian Kesten, Elisabetta Lanfredini, Ligia Liberatori, and Ute Wassermann, the work is structured as a songbook (»Liederbuch«) that invites reflection on the doomed cosmos of hyper-technical knowledge even as it calls for new ways of coexisting as we witness the end of the »white dazzle night« of Enlightenment. The piece was developed during a DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program residency in 2024, co-produced with and featuring video design by the artist Dafne Narvaez Berlfein.s


7. November


Volksbühne, Roter Salon, 21.30 hs.

With Hui-Chun, Lin, Cello and Gustavo Obligado, Sax.

INTERFILM 40 International Short Film Festival Berlin5 - 10 November 2024,

November 12.

Erweitert in der REH; Kopenhagener Str. 17, 20 hs, (doors 19.30 hs)

Trio with Marie Takahashi, viola and Isabel Rößler, Double bass,
Also in Program, Edith Steyer, reeds/ Dr. Nexus, voice and Pitch Shifting; Sanja Star, visuals/Grgur Savic, Electronics.




Gerichtstraße 25, Laden links, 13347 Berlin Wedding

19 hs.

Duo with Vanja Kevrešan - guitar

Also in program: Busato/Koole/Pogo and Asta D/Seth Z


12. October

Projektraum Coswig, Friederikenstraße 26, Coswig Anhalt.

15 bis 18 hs.

Die Reste auf der Bühne

-zwieschen Kunst und Wissenschaft-

with Carolina Boettner, Maria del Mar Areco, Lucía Patiño Mayer, Silvina Zicolillo,Andrea Acosta, Cioleta M. González, Carolina de la Vega and Mario Verandi.

15. October

Erweitert in der REH, Kopenhagener Str. 17

20 hs. Doors 19.30

Live Comics, Video and Music

With Carolina Boettner, Xuehka, Ada Rave, Hui-Chun Lin, Elisabetta Lanfredini, Guilherme Rodrigues and Ernesto Rodrigues.


Xueh Magrini Troll, comics, Carolina Boettner, videos and Ligia Liberatori vocals and concept.

Hui Chung, Lin, Cello, Ada Rave, Sax, Elisabetta Lanfredini, voice.

​17. October


19 hs. (Address per msj)

Trio with Pablo Horn and Nicolas Krez

Also in program: Lázara Rosell Albear and Laura.ALL, ILOG and Javier Areal Vélez.

September 2024

13 September

Ligia Liberatori, sola

das Ende

Kastanien Allee 77

Berlin Prenzlauer Berg

18 September 19 hs.

Lorena Izquierdo, Elisabetta Lanfredini and Ligia Liberatori

close to Fischerinsel 3
10 179 Berlin-Mitte

July 2024

19 to 21 July

Sola at the 4th. Bruital Berlin Furore

13.7. 16 to 21 hs.
Duo with Gustavo Obligado (Sax) at the BRUITAL NOISE PICNIC

7.7. 19 hs.

Playground Berlim at Acker Stadt Palast, Acker Str. 169/170

2.7. 20 hs.

PAS Birthday Party

Playing at the Orchestra and some ensembles.

PAS: Petersburger Art Space, Kaiser Augusta Allee 101 Berlin

June 2024

16.6., 19:20 hs.  Quartett with Sofía Salvo (Bariton sax), Gustavo Obligado (reeds) and Guido Kohn (Cello). In the frame of the concert "Cease the fire now".

90mil. Holzmarktstrasse 19-23, 10243 Berlin

May 2024

14. Mai

20 hs. (doors 19.30 hs.)

At the REH, Kopenhagener Str. 17

Wirth Hui Chun Lin (cello) , Sofía Salvo (sax), Camila Nebbia (sax), Gustavo Obligado (sax) , Pablo Vázquez, Eli Wallace (piano), Marcelo von Schülz (drums) and me.

6. Mai

19 hs.

Playground Berlim at Acker Stadt Palast, Acker Str. 169/170

April 2024


21 hs.

at Trixxx

Trio with Marcello S. Busato (Drums) and Guido Kohn (Cello).

And great musiciens at the:

Fertile Fractures



20 hs.

at Ausland

Duo with Laura Leiner (Guitarre/Electronics)

7. April


At Inesperado Ciclo-Espacio Cultural del Sur, 19. hs.

Av. Caseros 1750. CABA

March 2024


21 hs. at Impro Ritual - Casa Sonora Ituzaingó
Rondeau 173 Ituzaingó

Duo with Pablo Vázquez, Double Bass

22. March

Compositoras en Obra at the CASO, Centro de Arte Sonoro
Riobamba 985 CABA. 19 hs.

Agustina Crespo, Eliana Rosales, Luciana Rizzo, Eva García Fernández, Fabiana Galante, Lucía Eva Drocchi and I.

12. March

Taller de sonido y técnicas vocales extendidas en la Residencia Fluss-Lab, en el Espacio Yacú, Tigre.

February 2024

20. February

Erweitert in der REH, Kopenhagener Str. 17. 20 hs (doors, 19.30 hs)

Double bass players and "no guitarists"

Fyodor Stepanov, double bass

Ligia Liberatori, guitar

January 2024

31. January

19.30 Mini Lab at the Galerie ZeitZone
Adalbert Str. 79

Laura Leiner, sola

Ligia Liberatori, sola

Sofía Salvo, sola

19. January

Cafe Plume, 18 hs.



Kühlspot 20 hs.

Simon Rummel- Ligia Liberatori-Hui Chun Lin- Anna Kaluza- Alexis Baskind-Samuel Hall

16. January

Erweitert in der REH Kopenhagener Str. 17

20 hs.


14. Januar

at Pas, 20 hs.

Michael Griener-Alexander Markvart-Simon Rummel

Axel Dörner-Bertrand Denzler-Alexander Markvart


Between October 21 and Januar 24 I didn't write my concers here...


October 2021

Happy to anounce our new CD: RADICAL FLOWERS with Ernesto Rodrigues, viola, Guilherme Rodrigues, cello, Davide Piersanti, trombone and me, voice.


Juni 2019

Creative Sources Festival Berlin 2019

7-10 June 2019

June 9, 23.30 hs.

Ligia Liberatori, vocals & preparations

Bruno Parrinha, Alto Saxophon

Fyodor Stephanov, Double Bass

Samuel Hall,  drums

Kühlspot Social Club Berlin

Lehderstraße 74-79, 13086 Berlin


Mai 2019

Erweitert in der REH

Kopenhagener Str. 17

20 Uhr pünktlich

Ernesto Rodrigues,  viola
Kriton Beyer, Harmonium, Objects
Ligia Liberatori, vocals & preparations

Yorgos Dimitriadis, Drums

Das Bunte Reh

Kopenhagener Str. 17


29.4., 20 Uhr

Klaus Ungerer, Lesung

Ligia Liberatori, Musik


April 2019


Erweitert in der REH

Kopenhagener Str. 17

20 Uhr pünktlich

Edith Steyer, sax, cl.
Guihelme Rodrigues, cello
Ligia Liberatori, vocals & preparations

Philippe Lemoine, sax
Simon Rose, sax

Ernesto Rodrigues - viola 
Davide Piersanti - trombone 
Matthias Bauer - double bass
Matthias Müller, trombone



Mai 2018

Creative Sources Festival Berlin

Sunday 27. Mai

Ligia Liberatori, Vocals and preparations

Davide Piersanti, trombone

Philippe Lemoine, tenor sax

Ulf Mengersen, double bass

Infos to the whole festival: see Creative Sources Festival Berlin

Kühlspot Social Club Berlin

Lehderstraße 74-79, 13086 Berlin

April 2018


Kopenhagener Str. 17

20:00 hs.

Verschiedene Formationen mit

John Russell, Guitar
Stefan Keune, Alt and Sopransaxophon
Andrea Parkins, Accordeon and Electronics
Alexander Frangenheim, Double Bass
Harri Sjöström, Soprano Saxophon
Ute Wassermann, Voice & Birdcall Whistles
Ligia Liberatori, Vocals and preparations




November 2017


Kopenhagener Str. 17

20:00 hs.


Trio with Ricardo Tejero (Cl. and Sax), Ligia Liberatori, (Vocals) and Niko Meinhold (Zheng)


Also playing:

Axel Dörner, trumpet

Isak Hedtjärn, clarinet

Niklas Fite, guitar and banjo

Anton Jonsson, percussion


December 6st. 2017


Kopenhagener Str. 17

20:00 hs.



Eric Wong, gitar

Adam Pultz Melbye, Double bass


Tom Arthus, Trumpet Solo



Edith Steyer, Sax

Guilherme Rodriguez, cello

Ligia Liberatori, Gesang

Carolina Boettner, Film


October 2017


1. October

Concert for Mexico

Diferent Artists from 18 hs. till 23 hs. (or later)

I am playing a Duo with Alexander Frangenheim, double bass

(last Set).


Kultur Labor Sonor

August Str. 10 Berlin


More informations:

and in the Echtzeitkalender





June 29th.






Emilio Gordoa, Vibraphone

Axel Dörner, Trumpet

Joel Grip, Double Bass

Ligia Liberatori, voice





Tom Arthurs, Trumpet
Miles Perkin, Double Bass
Yorgos Dimitriadis, Drums
Ignaz Schick, Turntables



Kopenhagener Str. 17

20 hs.




May, 5th.

MMM Movimiento Música Mas




May, 18 th.


A spacefrau is a spacefrau is a spacefrau


With Mijal Bloch and Elsyee Suquilanda


Kremansky, Adalbertstr. 96

Berlín Kreuzberg

19 Hs.




March 2017


March, 24th. from 14 until 22.33 hs.




Lucio Capece, Ligia Liberatori, Carlé Costa, Anahí Settón, Javier Tucat Moreno and others.


Argentinian Art for the memory and human rights.


No to Lopérfido in Berlin



Studio 8

Grünthaler Str. 8





March, 30th. 2017, 8 pm.




Erweiterte Klänge im Erweiterten Raum

Improvisierte Musik in der Raumerweiterungshalle (REH), Ecke Kopenhagener Straße/Sonnenburger Straße, Prenzlauer Berg

30. März um 20 Uhr

Matthias Müller, Posaune
Eric Wong, Gitarre
Guilherm Rodrigues, Cello

Chris Heenan, Kontrabassklarinette
Ligia Liberatori, Gesang

Dimitra Lazaridou-Chatzigoga, zither


Kopenhagener Str. 17, Berlin






October 2016







Erweiterte Klänge im Erweiterten Raum

Improvisierte Musik in der Raumerweiterungshalle (REH), Ecke Kopenhagener Straße/Sonnenburger Straße, Prenzlauer Berg

Adaya Godlevsky, Harfe
Ido Bukelman, akustische Gitarre und Banjo
Ligia Liberatori, Gesang


REH Geyersbach
Recycled Furniture
Kopenhagener Straße 19
10437 Berlin


October 12th.
Tür: 19.30 Uhr, Konzertbeginn: 20 Uhr




June 2016



Erweiterte Klänge im Erweiterten Raum

Improvisierte Musik in der Raumerweiterungshalle (REH), Ecke Kopenhagener Straße/Sonnenburger Straße, Prenzlauer Berg

Alexander Frangenheim, Kontrabass
Chris Heenan, Bassklarinette
Ligia Liberatori, Gesang

REH Geyersbach
Recycled Furniture
Kopenhagener Straße 19
10437 Berlin


June 15th
Tür: 19.30 Uhr, Konzertbeginn: 20 Uhr








May 2016



Music in real time




Liz Albee, Trumpet

Alexander Frangenheim, double bass

Ligia Liberatori, vocals


May, 21 th.

Bartleby and co.


Boppstraße 2







April 2016



*Music in real time with musiciens from Argentina


Encuentro de músicos

April 9th, doors, 21 hs. Concert: 22 hs.


Una Casa, Buenos Aires (pedí la dirección por correo privado)



Federico Barabino

Luís Conde

Fabiana Galante

Alma Laprida

Ligia Liberatori

Fernando Perales

Cecilia Quinteros

Bárbara Togander





March 2016




*Festival Nuevas Músicas por la Memoria NMXLM


Concierto V




For voice, piano, cello and reeds.

Ligia Liberatori.


Luis Conde, reeds and windinstruments; Fabiana Galante, piano; Cecilia Quinteros, cello; Ligia liberatori, voice.;

March 24 th. 20 hsTeatro margarita Xirgu/Espacio UNTREF

Chacabuco 875 CABA




*Concierto de OJO AL PIOJO -que viene el peine-


Concert for children in spanish

March, 12th, 16 hs.

Das Haus, Weidenweg 62 





November 2015



*Concert with Yael Barolsky and 

November, 17th.

Tel Aviv, Israel


*Concert with Yael Barolsky (violin) and Paulo Alvares (Piano)

Kagel, Cage, Vivier, Berberian, Alvares


November, 18th.  

Tectonics Festival Tel Aviv, Israel


*Improvisation and Composition workshop

November, 19 th, 20th and 21th. 

Mizpe Ramon, Israel


*Concert with Yael Barolsky (violin) and Paulo Alvares (Piano)

Kagel, Cage, Vivier, Berberian, Alvares

November, 19 th, 21 hs, 

Mizpe Ramon






May 2015



FIeber Festival 2015


Ligia Liberatori and Carolina Boettner



Neues Musiktheater 


Ligia Liberatori: Vocals, performance, composition.

Carolina Boettner, videos


May, 23th, 19 hs.


Alternativer Kunstverein ACUD e.V.
Veteranenstraße 21
10119 Berlin-Mitte






September 2014



Festival Invasion Buenos Aires – Berlin





Some argentinian and german experimental musiciens will perform in ocasion of the presentation of the movie Süden. In this frame, I will play my piece Fern sehen, for voice, small instruments and toys, wich is dedicatet to the memory of Mauricio Kagel.


Other musicians: Carlé Costa (solo) / guitar. Duo: Cecilia Arditto / slides, homemade retro objects and Lucio Capece / wireless boxes as pendulum in oscilation, sinus waves. 




Film: 20:00 hs.

Concert: 21:30 hs. 

KINO BABYLON MITTE: Rosa-Luxemburg-Straße 30, 10178 Berlin






Festival Invasion Buenos Aires – Berlin






In September you can hear and see also my music in Carolina Boettner's work 7 Minuten.

Photo Installation Collage + Music


15.09. – 30.09.2014

KOTTI-SHOP: Adalbertstr. 4, 10999 Berlin




October 2014




October, 1st.:


Colaboration in the I Ring by Valeria Schwarz




October 8th. 19:00 hs.:



Vernissage of the group Kaleidoskop.

In this frame, Carolina Boettners The Rhythm Of The Cities (video) with my music.



I will sing Cathy Berberian's Strypsody

for voice solo.

Akazienstraße 30, 10823 Berlin











* Video and Music intermedia work on progress with Carolina Boettner (filmaker).


* Cooperation with Valeria Schwarz in her Performance cyclus "I Ring".


* Children Music Ensemble Ojo al Piojo -que viene el peine- (


* Colaboration in the Virtual Choir of the multi media music theatre project There is no why here created by Andrea Molino, produced by Muziektheater Transparant (B) and Teatro Comunale di Bologna (I) and in collaboration with David Moss and Institute for Living Voice. The premiere is scheduled for April 2014 in Bologna at the Teatro Comunale, as a part of the Opera Season.


* Collaborations with improvisation musiciens in Berlin.

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