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I am a singer, improviser, performer and composer. My speciality are the extended technics, and the relationship between music and movement. 

Besides the currently experimental and extended vocal techniques, like multiphonics, circular singing, frys, ululation, inhales an glottal clicks, I have developed special techniques like flaggiolets, high multiphonics and chord singing.


I am still searching permanently the possibilities of the human voice and the relationship between music and movement. This work allowes me a lot of scenic skills like singing from a a trapeze or doing acrobatics. 


On the one side I am interested in sound and timbres and very especially in the music deepness of a piece.

On the other side I'm fascinated of absurd an humorously situations, which I use in a lot of my compositions. 


As a improviser, I love to work in chamber music constellations and as a soloist.





Singing with Horacio Amauri in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Lia Montoya Palmen in Cologne, Germany.

Choir Conducting and Music pedagogy at the Conservatorio Municipal de Música Manuel de Falla, Buenos Aires.

Improvisation, Aleatoric and New Music Theatre with Paulo Alvares at the Musikhochschule Köln. Also degree in Music Pedagogy.

Extended vocals: very big personal experimentation and research. Also workshops, masterclasess and courses with Earle Brown, Joan La Barbara, Michiko Hirayama, Vinko Globokar, Johannes Fritsch, Madalena Bernardes, David Moss, Martin Herchenröder, etc.

Private pantomime lessons with Isidoro Fernandez.

Circus (acrobatic) training in the Escuela de Circo Criollo (circus school), Buenos Aires and in ZAK, Zirkus- und Artistikzentrum Köln. Several courses in Germany and aboard.

Specialization as a -children- hospital clown.







Co-founder of the following improvisation ensembles: Die Kugel ( Dorothee HaddenbruchJosef Rebbe, Ligia Liberatori, Manfred Rückert (Ketonge), Simon Rummel and Juan Maria Solare), Kleine schwarze Katze (Liberatori, Philip Zoubek, Matthias Muche, Daniel Speer und Damian Zanger) and Cauldron (Liberatori, Zoubek, Muche und Speer) and Klein aber Kawoom (Annette Maye, Liberatori, Speer).

Founder of the Ensemble Ligias Handtaschenorchester (Ligias Handbag Orchestra), later "The Handbag Orchstra" as a quote to the Pocket Orchestras, for Improvisation, aleatoric and performance: Daniel Speer, Contrabass, Annette Maye, clarinets, Holger Müller-Hartmann, fagots, y Simon Rummel, organ, violin and objetcs, Ligia Liberatori, vocals, objects and leading. In the first formation and before her emigration to Israel, Yael Barolsky was also a member of the group. Member, Concertino and soloist of the EIAM (Ensamble de Aleatorik e Improvisación Köln) conducted by Paulo Alvares and member of the Adam Noidlt Missiles, conducted by Frank Köllgis.


Collaborations with other improvisers: Sebastian Gramms, Gino Robair, Annette Maye, Tiziana Bertoncini, Thomas Lehn, Juan María Solare, Simon Rummel, Dorothee Haddenbruch, Doris Bauerecker, Eva Maria Schiffer, Tatsuya Nakatani, Chris Hennan, Alexander Fraggenhein,  Lucio Capece, Daniel Speer, Franziska Welti, Philipp Caspari, Juan Solare, Sergio Merce, Gabriel Paiuk, Luis Conde, Fabiana Galante, Federico Barabino, Roberto Pucciarelli, etc.




Some of the performances I've worked in:

Yoko Ono: versions of Grapefruit., Paulo Alvares, Zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen, Leo Bassi's Creamcake, In Mitten, Fischgrätfacetten, (with Franziska Welti and Philipp Caspari), Ruptura de blanco (with Karina Villavicencio, Carolina Boettner, and Verónica Salguero).




Beside the typical repertoire for vocal music from the XX century (Cage, Berio, Brown, etc.) I have worked with many composers (Solare, Stäbler, Kunsu Shim, Rummel, Bauckholt, Alvares, Haddenbruch, Reebe, etc.) singing or performing for the first time their pieces.




I've worked in many theater pieces, also in combination with circus and music. For six years, I was a hospital Clown in the Uni-Klinik Köln and the Evangelisches Krankenhaus Düsseldorf.

I was native speaker at the spanish service from the Deutsche Welle.

I am Member of the music band for children Ojo al Piojo -que viene el peine-, with special dedication to bilingual children.

More than 20 years teaching for children and adults.



Scholarschips and prices


Scholarships:  Darmstädter Ferienkurse 2004, Darmstadt Festival 2006, Europäische Akademie Montepulciano 2005 and International composition prices: Altstadt Herbst Düsseldorf 2000, 2nd Preis with the Ensemble Die Kugel, Finalist of the Altstadt Herbst Düsseldorf 2001, with the ensemble Kleine schwarze Katze, First Composition Price Bielefeld 2002 and Cultural Price of the City of Herford 2002, both with the ensemble Cauldron.



List of compositions (Selection)


9.11. For mixed choir, commissioned by the Alliance for the Hommage an Salvador Allende Berlin 2013. First performed, September 14. 2013 

Fern sehen New music theater for singer, TV, objects and toys. First performed at the Rondo Kagel, Festival Unerhörte Music, September 2009.

Sandwanderung Solo voice, first performed at the Kultur Labor Sonor Berlin, December 2008. Other performances:  Conciertos en el Limbo, March 2010 and Fieber Festival Berlin, May 2013.

Am 6. Juli, vormittags, New music theater for voice and live electronics. Commissioned by the Beethoven Festival Bonn, premiere at the Audiodome Bonn-Bad Godesberg by Ligia Liberatori y Sven Hahne, Septiembre 1st. and October 1st. 2006.

Die Geräusche der Nacht New music theatre for children, premiere at the Chapiteau from ZAK, Cologne, on September 2005. Performers: Annette Maye, clarinets, Simon Rummel, violín, Matthias Muche, trombone, y Ligia Liberatori, supported by SK Stiftung NRW and Jeunesses Musicales NRW

Orakel for a free quartet and conductor and Tarot inspired cards. First performed in February 2003, at the Musikhochschule Köln by an ensemble leaded by Prof. Martin Herchenröder. Also played at the Kölner Musiknacht 2005, Friedenskirche Köln, Kölner Musiknacht 2006, Loft Köln and Kölner Musiknacht 2008, Agneskirche Köln by Ligias Handtaschenorchester. Also by the Ensemble für Neues Musiktheater, conductor: Juan María Solare, June 12. 2008 in the University of Bremen.

Plastic First performed by Ligias Handtaschenorchester, Kölner Musiknacht, Agneskirche Köln, October 2008

Line for free Ensemble and overhead projector. First performed in February 2003, at the Musikhochschule Köln by an ensemble leaded by Prof. Martin Herchenröder

Motete for choir or chamber music vocal ensemble. First performed in february 2003, at the Musikhochschule Köln by an ensemble leaded by Prof. Martin Herchenröder

Isaac New music theatre for musicians couple (woman-man) that can juggle, apples, objects, live electronics and slices. First performed by the EIAM under the leading of Paulo Alvares, November 1999.





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